
New Mexico Tech: A Premier Destination for STEM Education

New Mexico Institute of new mexico tech and Technology (NMT) stands as a preeminent institution in science and technology, yet this distinction was not reflected on its website. The original site suffered from disorganization and a lack of navigability. Page designs varied inconsistently across departments, and the quality of images and content differed widely. Brand consistency was virtually nonexistent. Adding to the complexity, the site operated on an outdated version of Joomla that was no longer supported.

Reflecting on the challenges faced, Benson Hendrix, NMT’s digital med manager and web developer, recalled the cautious approach needed when working on the site in Joomla. The obsolete system posed a risk, where even a seemingly innocuous action could potentially crash the site, with no guarantee of recovery. This highlighted the urgency for a comprehensive overhaul and modernization of NMT’s digital presence.

Start with CMS for new new new mexico tech tech tech operations.

new mexico tech by the new president of NMT to modernize and refresh the school’s website, Benson and his boss, Dave new mexico tech , communication and marketing director, spearheaded a redesign committee comprised of cross-campus staff and faculty from admissions to alumni relations to IT. Their first suggestion? Start with the CMS.

The NMT team appreciated that Modern Campus’ Omni CMS had the power and extensibility they needed to create a dynamic, engaging site. Knowing that Modern Campus works only in higher education was also an attractive selling point.

Omni CMS’ software-as-a-service (SaaS) deployment was also a selling point. “I like the SaaS version of Omni CMS because I know that our servers are being maintained by the experts at Modern Campus, which takes the stress off of our IT team. I also like Omni CMS over an open-source solution because there is an extra feeling of security. I want to make sure I don’t get a call at 2 am saying the website is down. I have comfort knowing that the system is solid and proprietary and that Modern Campus professionals who know the ins and outs of the system are there if I need them.”

“It does help to start with the CMS,” said Caroline Roberts, content strategist for iFactory, the Modern Campus partner who helped NMT with their site redesign. “Schools who have a concept of the bigger picture will have much more success, especially when they understand how their website fits in with their overall marketing plan. Plus it’s inevitable… we have customers that initially just want to change the colors and the design without changing the content, but once you change the design and information architecture, it necessitates a change in content. If you anticipate UX, design, and content changes from the start of the project, it makes the entire process smoother.”

Augmenting Tech Transfer

new mexico tech

Ingraining entrepreneurship into the university’s foundation is a new mexico tech supported from the top down. It’s enshrined in the branding logo “STE ²M.” The university trademarked that in 2019 as a play on STEM – the acronym for science, technology, engineering, and math – by squaring the “E” to represent both “engineering” and “entrepreneurship.”

An annual Inventors and Entrepreneurs Workshop, which the university launched in 2016, has also boosted tech transfer. The two-day educational conference offers broad networking opportunities, presentations, panel discussions, and a pitch competition for local innovators. It brings together faculty and students with investors, veteran entrepreneurs, and startup professionals from across the state.

In past years, it has also included high-profile leaders from California, New York, and other places, thanks in good part to recruitment efforts by Larry new new mexico tech tech , a veteran venture investor, and entrepreneur from Silicon Valley who has helped expand NM Tech’s commercialization programs as an adjunct faculty member since 2014.

The pandemic shut down the conference last year. But it picked up again this new mexico tech as a hybrid event attended in person by state leaders and online by some out-of-state participants. This time, it was shortened to a one-day event that attracted about 90 people, down from some 180 in years past, new mexico tech said. But the turnout from around New Mexico reflects the state’s rapidly maturing ecosystem, with local leaders working together to build a statewide startup economy. And that, in turn, is helping NM Tech.

“New Mexico’s startup economy is still in its infancy, but it’s beginning to rumble and make waves because of its wealth of resources and institutions,” new new new mexico tech tech tech told the Journal. “They’re all working together and cooperating under one umbrella, and that’s a huge advantage.”

Support Team

USAP staff supporting scientific operations in Antarctica are recruited under the Antarctic Support Contract, managed by Leidos. This contract covers both full-time employees and seasonal contractors stationed at U.S. research stations and aboard research vessels. Various job opportunities are available with different organizations:

  • Leidos provides positions across various fields, including science project management, transportation and logistics, operations, information technology, travel, technical writing, research support, airfield management, communications, and more.
  • Amentum offers opportunities for positions such as carpenters, heavy equipment operators, mechanics, electricians, pipefitters, welders, firefighters, and more.
  • Amentum: Positions for carpenters, heavy equipment operators, mechanics, electricians, pipefitters, welders, firefighters, and more.
  • Gana-A ‘Yoo Service Corporation (GSC-ESS) and Six new mexico tech , LLC: Positions in waste management, food and station services, retail, lodging coordination, and more.
  • GHG Corporation: Positions in information technology and infrastructure, information systems, and telecommunications.
  • University of Texas Medical Branch: Positions for physicians and medical support staff.
  • Kenn Borek Air: Positions for fixed-wing aircraft pilots, mechanics, and aviation management.
  • Air Center Helicopters: Positions for helicopter pilots, mechanics, and aviation management.
  • Edison Chouest Offshore (ECO): Positions for sailing and operating Antarctic research vessels.

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